Product-Market Fit isn’t the most important thing, it’s the only thing!

Product-Market Fit (P-M Fit) is crucial for success. With P-M Fit, you can overcome almost any challenge, whether it's a weak team or financial struggles. Without it, scaling becomes nearly impossible. P-M Fit is the one thing you can’t afford to miss.

Article written by

Anthony A.

The only thing you ask? Am II being dramatic in making this claim? I don’t think so. My theory on this is simple. If you have P-M Fit, you can overcome just about any other deficiency. However, if you don’t have P-M Fit, you’ll never be successful. Not at any real scale at least.

Bad team but have P-M Fit? That’s a problem, but anyone can be replaced. Running out of cash but have P-M Fit? You can sell your way out of this conundrum, or if you choose to raise, it’s exponentially easier if you already have P-M Fit.  It really is the only thing you can’t overcome.

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